Five Beautiful Curvy ladies from Puerto Rico share why they love their Curves!!!

Five Beautiful Curvy ladies from Puerto Rico share why they love their Curves!!!

I find that loving yourself Curvy or Thin is so important because until you love yourself you’re not going to be a happy person. You need to learn to love you for you. Everyone is different and need to start embracing these differences. Loving yourself is one of the secrets of success. Love yourself and you will feel more confident when you go about your day. Feeling confident with yourself and your decisions helps you to handle situations with ease and worry less about what others will think of you. In Puerto Rico most of the women are curvy and I found five Beautiful Curvy ladies who told me why they love their Curves.

Model Azalea Firpi

I love my Curves because they have always been a part of me. I have always been Curvy, and Proud. My Curves have made me stronger in a society where usually thin models are the ones recognized. My body let’s me dance, model, study, have fun be a good professional and be in perfect health. I love being a Fashionista, always turning heads, my body is my temple and I accept it just the way it is!

Model Clementine Monroe

I love my Curves because I love myself, I accept myself the way I am and this leads to others accepting me just the way I am. I love my Curves because I am grateful that I found the confidence inside myself to accept them. Having Curves is my beauty, they are our beauty!

Model-Leemar Ago

I love my Curves, my body and everything about myself, because it is a wonderful creation made by God. This is why I live proud of myself and whom I am as a person, accepting myself is a priority in my life this is why I live such a great and full life. Long live Curves!!!

Model- Shasquia Diaz Santoni

I love my Curves because they have made me the person I am today, perseverant and loving where I am at this moment, always working hard to maintain myself healthy. I love them because I make people see that there are other sizes besides a size 0 and that we can also be sexy, and do anything that anyone else can…. I love my Curves because they are just simply me!

Model Tania Pagan

I love my Curves because they compose my personality, I am very proud of them.I do not let anyone tell me that I have to lose weight to obtain what I want in life because I am happy the way I am and can achieve any goal I want!




Marta Rivera ,is a blogger from Puerto Rico, she is an English professor  and a Plus Size advocate on the Island, an Island that is mainly for thin models, but she is trying her best to change that. Marta will be blogging for Curvy Girl on a Budget letting us know everything that is happening in the Plus Size community from fashion to events in Puerto Rico.

Miley Dating who????

Omgosh when i saw this on yahoo i was like i did not know!!miley-and-her-guy2

Yea right everone know she was dating Justin Gatson!! my great grandma did!! who wouldn’t! she was spending so much time with him and she was like oh his just my bestfriend! yea right girl with that man ur not just freinds lol  For months, Miley Cyrus was dodging questions about her relationship with her” so called freind” Justin Gaston. For one, she’s 16 and he’s 20. She’s a role model to young girls and he’s an underwear model. She recently was on the cover of Glamour Magazine and finally reveled she was indeed datiing Justin!!  In the latest issue of Glamour magazine, the teen queen comes clean about dating an older guy, her body, and the temptations of Hollywood. In other words, Miley’s growing up. Here’s what she told Glamour’s Laurie Sandell:

On the four-year age difference between her and boyfriendJustin Gaston:

“I don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong, and I’m ready for people to accept it. My fans already accept it — they just want me to be happy. And I haven’t been that happy in a few years … working so hard, moving to L.A. from Nashville, going through a bad breakup [with Nick Jonas]. I’m finally happy again, and I think that is reflected in my music and my work. So honestly, I don’t feel like there’s anything to hide. And I love him so much I don’t really care.”

On how they met:

My dad introduced us on the “Hannah Montana” set. I looked so bad that day. I was wearing sweats and glasses and we talked. Then he showed up the next day and said, “I can’t stop thinking about you. Can I take you to a movie?” When he took me home, I said, “I don’t want to get close to you, because I don’t know where this is going to go.” And he said, “Well, you can’t live like that.” So we took a three-mile walk, and talked and talked … Now he’s my best friend.”

View Mileys Entire Glamour Photo Shoot      

On the pin-thin-body trend in young Hollywood:

“I think it’s lame, because it will eat at you forever. I’ve been at photo shoots where I’ve tried something on and said, “Oh my gosh, why don’t these fit?” But I’ll never be a six-foot-tall, 95-pound model; I’m meant to have a little more meat on my bones.”  miley_blog_8


Miley shares a laugh with her Maltipoo Sophie.Peggy Sirota/Glamour

On the temptations of Hollywood:

“In this industry there are so many things that can take over your life: money, alcohol, drugs — even fashion. People hand you things, and you start to believe life is easy. And it’s not like that — you’re not supposed to be the person you play in the movies … I like keeping my mind as far away from money and the material aspects of my job as possible.

On ending up like Britney Spears orLindsay Lohan (who also started out as squeaky-clean Disney Stars:

“The last thing I ever want to do is disappoint my parents. My mom’s dad died 
when she was 18, and if something ever happened to one of my parents, I’d want 
them to go knowing I made them proud. I think it’s selfish to go out partying all the 

Click here to read Miley’s full interview and learn why she idolizes Jennifer Aniston. Or pick up the latest issue of Glamour, on newsstands April 7. 

Miley Cyrus-Fly on the Wall